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About us

The Kloster Steinfeld  Foundation is an initiative of people who are committed to spiritual, cultural, charitable and educational activities for Steinfeld and the region. Since 2015, the foundation has been reorganized to ensure awakening and renewal on the one hand and the preservation of tradition on the other.


The faces behind the foundation

Foundation board, chairman

Martin Reinicke

Foundation board member

Pater Lambertus Schildt SDS

Foundation board member

Dr. Michael Schumacher

Foundation Board, Managing Director

Franz Scheidt

Board of Trustees, Chair

Dr. Marion Gierden-Jülich

Board of Trustees, Deputy Chair

Ute Stolz

Board of Trustees, Honorary Chairman

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bergsdorf

Board of trustees, curator

Pater Paul Cyrys SDS

Board of trustees, curator

Pater Wieslaw Kaczor SDS

More about the foundation

The statute


The works of the Salvatorian non-profit GmbH maintain the Salvatorian monastery in Steinfeld and facilities for education, upbringing and pastoral care.

In order to promote the institutions and apostolates that are run according to the ideals of the Salvatorians, in particular the Steinfeld monastery, the North German Province of the Salvatorian Order e.V. establishes this foundation as an umbrella foundation. Independent and dependent foundations can be added under this framework.

The complete statute can be found here:

Satzung Stiftung Kloster Steinfeld

§ 1 - Name, registered office, legal form, financial year

The foundation bears the name “Foundation Kloster Steinfeld”.
The foundation is based in 53925 Kall-Steinfeld, Hermann-Josef-Str. 4.
The foundation is a foundation with legal capacity under civil law, which was set up as a church foundation in accordance with the Foundations Act for North Rhine-Westphalia within the meaning of Section 2, Paragraph 4 of the NW Foundations Act.

§ 2 - Purpose of the foundation

1. The foundation pursues exclusively and directly charitable, charitable and church purposes within the meaning of
Section “Tax-privileged purposes” of the tax code.
2. The purpose of the foundation is to promote the activities of the German Province of the Salvatorians KdöR.
3. The purpose is realized in particular through the support of the Order in
a) pastoral activities
b) Tasks of youth education and youth education and adult education
c) charitable and charitable activities
d) the preservation of Steinfeld Monastery in structural, cultural and spiritual terms
e) its other institutions, branches and apostolates.
The purpose is also realized through sponsorship or co-sponsorship
of Salvatorian works.

§ 7 - Bodies of the Foundation

The governing bodies of the foundation are the Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees.

§ 9 - Duties of the board

1. The foundation board is responsible for the legal representation of the foundation – in and out of court –
as well as the management and administration of the foundation.

2. The board of directors must keep accounts of the income and expenses of the foundation and, after the end of the
to prepare annual financial statements for the calendar year, which he submits to the Board of Trustees for approval. He has dem
Board of Trustees to submit a budget proposal for approval two months before the end of the year.

3. For the conclusion of contracts of any kind with a value of more than 2000 euros, the foundation board requires the
approval of the Board of Trustees. The allocation of funds / expenditure will be decided in a joint meeting of
Foundation board and board of trustees decided.

§ 10 - Board of trustees

1. The Board of Trustees consists of up to 13 people.

2. Up to seven members of the Board of Trustees can be nominated by the German Province of the Salvatorians KdöR. S
It can also dismiss these members for important reasons. The Board of Trustees can, with a two-thirds majority,
appointed six further members and dismissed them for good cause. A member of the Board of Trustees should include a lawyer be business experience.

3. If a member appointed by the Board of Trustees resigns in accordance with § 10 No. 5, the remaining members can
appoint the successor by election with the majority according to §10 No. 2, Clause 3.

4. A member of the Board of Trustees can resign from office by written declaration to the Chairman of the
Board of Trustees can resign at any time with a notice period of three months without giving reasons.

5. The members of the Board of Trustees retire from the Board of Trustees upon reaching the age of 75.

6. The term of office in the Board of Trustees is three years. A renewed appointment is possible.

7. The board of trustees elects a chairman and his deputy from among its members.

8. The members of the Board of Trustees do not receive any remuneration for their work. Expenses can be reimbursed – also as a lump sum become.

9. The Board of Trustees can appoint honorary members with a two-thirds majority if they are particularly concerned with the Foundation have earned. The details are regulated by a code of honor drawn up by the Board of Trustees.

§ 12 - Tasks of the Board of Trustees

  1. The board of trustees advises and monitors the foundation’s board of directors in accordance with the foundation’s statutes.
    The tasks of the board of trustees are in particular:
    a) Advice to the foundation board on all questions relating to the foundation
    b) Resolution on the budget estimate and transactions requiring approval by the foundation board.
    c) Resolutions on changes to the foundation statutes
    d) Appointment and dismissal of the board of directors
    e) Discharge of the foundation board
    f) Approval of the annual financial statements
    g) Appointment of an auditor from among the members of the Board of Trustees, to whom when determining the
    Annual financial statements are not entitled to vote, optional appointment of an auditor.

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You can also devote your donations to very specific projects with us.