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Donation at an event: donate instead of gifts

You are planning a larger celebration, for example on the occasion of your birthday, a wedding or an anniversary.

You refrain from personal gifts and instead ask your guests to donate to a good cause.

And this is how easy it works:


Contact the foundation

Agree on a keyword with the foundation so that your guests' donations can be assigned correctly

Inform your guests

Ask your guests to make a donation to the donations account of the Steinfeld Monastery Foundation, stating the agreed keyword.
IBAN: DE03 4006 0265 0300 3004 00

Oder über unser Online-Spenden-Formular.


Abschluss der Spendenaktion

Sie erhalten die Namen und Anschriften der Geber*Innen und werden über die Gesamtsumme informiert.

Anlass - Spende

Martin Reinicke

Your personal contact:

Martin Reinicke

Phone +49 (2441) 889-0
Telefax: +49 (2441) 889-128

More options for your donation

You can support us in different ways

Online – Donation

Donation at an event

Donation for an intercession

Donation on occasion of a company meeting

set up a sub-foundation

to inherit