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Foundation Kloster Steinfeld

Our foundation was established in 2004 by the Salvatorians and committed citizens with the aim of securing their work in this place for the future. This resulted in our four apostolates:

  • preserve the monastery as a space for reflection and spirituality
  • strengthen education in the region
  • promote charitable work and charity locally

Today we work with honorary curators and three board members to fill these apostolates with life – because it is a matter close to our hearts to preserve the place with the much-vaunted “Spirit of Steinfeld” and to make it liveable and tangible for the people.

Our recognized and non-profit monastery Steinfeld Foundation offers private individuals and companies the framework to get involved socially and culturally.

If you would like to contact us or receive information from us, please click on the following link.


Latest Events

Aug. 2024

Internationaler Orgelsommer 2024 – Eröffnungskonzert – 16:00Uhr

Eröffnungskonzert Internationaler Orgelsommer 2024 Orgel: Philipp Crozier, Montreal

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Aug. 2024

Internationaler Orgelsommer 2024 – Orgelvesper – 16:00Uhr

Orgelvesper Internationaler Orgelsommer 2024 Orgel: Pascal Reber, Straßburg Frankreich

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Sep. 2024

18:30Uhr – KlangRaum Konzert anläßich der 100Jahr-Feier des Hermann-Josef-Kollegs – Sound of Music

  Anlässlich der 100Jahr-Feier des Hermann-Josef-Kollegs wird es ein besonders KlangRaum Konzert geben.     Preis: 15 €  - Schüler*innen/Studierende 10.-€ VVK-Stellen: Klostercafé Steinfeld (Tel: 02441 - 889 134) oder ...

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